Thursday, September 23, 2010

what could have been

bear attack

mizooooozaaaaa at Surpise Lake Camp

So after getting riproaringly lost in the gorgeous/leaves changing/bear infested woods of the New York State Outback, I stumbled upon an absolutely enormous Jewish Summer camp called the Surprise Lake Camp. Outfitted with mizzooooooozzaaaaaassss on every door, an outdoor theater, swimming pools, basketball/tennis/floor hockey courts, a ropes course, and everything else known to man this quickly became the most bad ass summer camp I had ever seen, until I finally realized I was still just as lost as I had been when I arrived. After discovering that there were a few Russians using the camp as a 'staging ground,' I quickly solicited their help and found my way to the highway.... Unfortunately I ended up 4 miles uproad from my car.....

slightly trippy

this is literally what this piece of wood looked like

what happened here?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

More monkey talk

Outside an Army/Navy Store in Patchogue, NY
taken and altered by John

Delving into the art of monkeys: Photography.

picture of John and Katie
    taken and altered by Katie and John
future album cover